Monday, 10 September 2012

Avon Lady in TATAIA #5

One of the Avon Ladies was featured in the 5th issue of TATAIA.
Una dintre Avon Ladies a aparut in numarul 5 al revistei TATAIA.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Tales from the City

...because some days just have a predisposition for the unusual.


"Specialty of the House"/ "Specialitatea casei"

"Styling Tips"

"Fast Dogs"/ "Caini fierbinti"

"The Big Jump"/ "Marele Salt" 

Salata de morcovi

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Foarfeca şi respectabilele doamne Avon

Dupa o discutie cu Diana Mesesan a rezultat interviul acesta din SUB25; despre manute cu degetele manichiurate, si secretul unui ten perfect.

"Într-un final, Alexandra și-a luat foarfeca și a realizat o serie de colaje numite The Avon Ladies, c-un „fel de plăcere sadică de a le tăia feţele perfecte si mânuţele cu degetele manichiurate”.

Din fericire, Alexandra nu este doar o artistă care ridică foarfecele pe post de stindard împotriva consumerismului, sau o luptătoare sălbatică împotriva reprezentării femeilor fals perfecte. Dovadă sunt desenele pe care le făcea în copilarie cu prinţese, toate blonde, cu corpul în formă de inimioară şi cu părul foarte drept. Singurul element care prevestea furtuna erau picioarele acestor prinţese, desenate invariabil într-o parte."

Restul interviului AICI.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Les Elles (Ielele)

I began working on a new collage project. This time I used old Elle magazines as a base. As a rule I set for myself, I decided i will show no more face features, only bodies. If the collages from the Avon Ladies series were on simple white backgrounds, this time I decided I will have some form of "setting" for my scenes. Elle magazines put such an emphasis on "ambiance" and lifestyle that I also wanted them to be part of my project.

Some of the collages in this post are works in progress.

I divided this project in two parts. The first part will feature les elles sprouting from plates and dishes, as edible women.

The second part, Les Géantelles will feature les elles in nature, or on a simple background. Some of the works in this series will also have mechanical and hand embroidery interventions.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Storyboard studies

As an exercise I set for myself, I tried translating into storyboards scenes from movies I like, just to get a feel of the way the story is progressing.

 Blade Runner


The Draughtsman's Contract
